Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Since Last We Met...

By Cornelia

Dudes! We’re back, and we’re totally brimming with swashbuckling tales of new adventure,


When last we chatted, you and I, I was married to a Republican and living in Berkeley, California,

having just published my second novel. Since then, I’ve written two more books,

moved to New Hampshire and then New York City, gotten divorced, lost my dad to suicide,

gotten one of my kids into college, 

written for two other blogs, and started dating this really cool Democrat.

So, basically, my life is really really good right now, even though the fine joyous stuff sometimes feels as though it had to be earned by me hacking my way through gigantic amounts of suckage—with a machete.

But THIS IS SO EXCITING! Being back here! Getting to hang with you guys anew! SERIOUSLY!

I mean, at first when I stopped blogging entirely a year ago, I was all, like, “wow! So much free time [to fritter away not actually writing books or whatever, even though I totally meant to be all, like, productive and shit, right?]”

And also, since then, I have succumbed to the seductive wiles of Facebook, I have gone out and had actual conversations with actual human beings,

I have watched a great deal of stupid [but awesome! Stupidly awesome!] television,

I have joined the Daughters of the American Revolution (and my new chapter was on the front page of The New York Times last Fourth of July),

I have started work on a really cool documentary with my beau, and I've started two new novels--one a prequel, one a collaboration with this incredibly excellent woman which I am not currently at liberty to discuss (but it's WAY FUN! And she is deeply incredibly excellent! With awesome stories!)

Adventures! Swashbuckling adventures! And you know what? I find that I really miss talking with you guys about them, and hanging with my fellow Nakeds. Because you guys totally rock.

 YEA! So glad we're all back...


  1. Way cool, cousin! Glad to see you blogging - might even prompt me to get back into it and away from the seduction of instant communication on facebook!

    1. From Cornelia

      Thank you! I feel like I've been having an affair with Facebook while married to blogging, but am now two-timing both of them. Sigh. But still, it's fun!!

  2. from Jacqueline, who STILL cannot figure how to leave a comment under anything other than Unknown or Anonymous, but does it matter anyway? Our lovely, talented Miss C, I cannot tell you how much I have missed your posts - and I didn't realize how much until right now - even though I harbor a less than secret green tinge regarding your amazing accomplishments. And haven't we all been through the bloody wringer since we were last here? But I understand, from souls more evolved than I, that when you've been through the fiery furnace of life, all the dross is burned away leaving nothing but pure gold - and you, Miss C, are pure gold!!! Love your unfettered use of internet images too ....

    1. from Cornelia... Oh, dearest Our J, how I have missed you! And I can't figure out how to leave comments either. So we can just be the Anonymous Twins for a while. xxx

  3. Dude, you know I would read a laundry list if it was by you. Because it would be worth reading. So I'm really glad you'll be posting again in this forum so I get to read you between books! xoxox

    1. heart heart heart, Ari my sweet... love, Cone

  4. Delighted to see you back here and love love love your wit honesty and fierce intellect--

    1. (from Cornelia, AKA anonymous...)

      Thank you!!

  5. That's not a blog post. That's a graphic novel!

    Grand to have you back.

    Paul L.

    1. (from Cornelia) Pictures, dear Paulie... soooo much funner than actual (gasp!) writing... xx

  6. Thank god you're back, C. There's a new restaurant, called Cornelia's, opening in Marblehead in a few days. Maybe we could get our clam rolls there. xxxxxxxxx

    1. (from Cornelia) Ah, dear Reine, if Cornelia of Marblehead does NOT serve clam rolls, then she is not a Cornelia I claim as a member of the True-Corneliesque Tribe. xxxxxxxxx back

  7. Oh, there you are!

    I will follow you... Happy to see you blogging again, Cornelia.

    1. I will follow you back! (Cornelia, again...)

  8. Ms. C, you make me feel like a total slacker! So happy for you and your excellent new life. And happy to be blogging with you again!

    1. (from Ms. C) Patty, you are so great to have inspired us all to do this again. I've missed it a lot. Now we all need to go to Bouchercon or something and hang out in real life, I think. Mwah!

    2. Will there be adult beverages?

    3. There BETTER be adult beverages!!! xx Cornelia

  9. I am so happy to have your blogs to read again. And wow, what a few years, glad you are in a good place in life.

    1. (from Cornelia) Thanks so much, Mo!

  10. Hacking through all the difficult stuff is what gives us wisdom to write, right? That's what I always tell myself anyway :)

    1. Ayjay, that's what I always tell myself too... : > )


  11. Miss C.!! I totally missed your blog entries and your wit. SO glad you are writing and doing other creative things, and getting the occasional snuggle as well.

    Well done, you!

    1. Hugs to you, Marianne!!!

      xxx C
