Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Give Me Heat and Humidity: Keep the Snow

I am from Miami, so snow is not an option.  Unfortunately, in Colorado Springs Saturday, where "Left Coast Crime" was taking place, snow was the order of the day.  Who knew you had to use a whisk broom to clean the windshield?

Here I am on the "Hollywood" panel with Leo Maloney, Diana Gould, Harley Jane Kozak, and Clive Rosengren.

Sometimes, I think I may have spent too much time on too many panels over too many years.
I've been doing this since 1990 when "To Speak for the Dead" was published.  It's still going strong on Amazon Kindle, the greatest invention since moveable type.

Had fun re-connecting with many authors from the West Coast including Jan Burke, Robin Burcell, Twist Phelan, Bill Fitzhugh, and Thomas Perry.

Did I mention that it snowed and that the drive from Colorado Springs back to the Denver airport was hairy and scary?
I am back in Miami, home of Jake Lassiter, and I have no plans to return to Colorado until a trip to Boulder...in August.

If you're tired of winter....raise your (gloved) hand.

Paul Levine


  1. I live in New Hampshire and rather use to dealing with snow. But right now I am ready for it all to be gone. Cabin fever has set in and I need warm weather and spring flowers.

  2. Here in Connecticut, home of the thirty-one inches in February, we are more than ready to bid adieu!
    P.S. The Monday columns seem to have a glitch. All I ever get is a title. Intriguing though they are, methinks a great deal of effort is being lost.

  3. I have the same problem as Sandy. None of the Monday columns have text. Just the title. I've tried several paths to read them, but none work. Definitely a glitch on Monday.
    Glad you folks are back. You were missed!

  4. Thanks for the heads up on my Monday posts. I'm having our tech guy look into it. Since you've missed reading them, let me just say that they've all been brilliant. (Tee hee)

    Welcome back from that winter wonderland, Paulie. Hope you had a great time.

  5. Hear, hear! I'm in Virginia, where snow is usually gone by the first week of March, and this has been the longest winter—my kids were out of school on Monday because we got two inches of snow here on Sunday. Enjoy your sunshine in Miami, Paul. I'm jealous.
