Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Parental Wifi Management (Mac home networks) - Ridley

Today's tech tidbit has to do with parental management of the Internet (a constant concern for Marcelle and me). For Mac users who work with the variety of Mac wifi devices like Time Capsule and Base Station, there is a nifty little tool that is basically hidden. (or it was to me).

Applications/Utilities/Airport Utility is likely a place any Mac WiFi network user/administrator is familiar with. Go there now...

Marcelle and I were looking for a way control the time of the Internet for our kids, but still allow Netflix streaming, etc. and our own internet use. This, as a way to encourage the kids to go to bed instead of wasting hours late night on social media, etc. (sometimes behind our backs! imagine that!)

Here's an easy solution. First, find the MAC address of the laptop or machine (PC or MAC) you're concerned about. (Usually on a permanent tag on the machine; also can be found in the software)

Open AirPort Utility and select the Apple device that sends your wireless or ethernet signal.

Go to the NETWORK banner across the top.


Under Wireless Clients hit the plus key, name the device and enter the MAC code for that device

When that is OK and entered up above, select it and, under Wireless Access Times click on how you want that device to be managed. (We turn our kids off at 11:30PM until 5AM)

Voila. Bedtime, and peace of mind for the parents.

There are MANY products out there that help manage Parental Control as well. Take your time determining which is the best for you -- a search engine can help with that.

I hope to write more about "the cloud" in future posts. Here's an Times blog I found interesting that deals with cloud use: 

Happy computing!

1 comment:

  1. Way too complicated for me...but I can see how it would be useful!
